Final Environmental Impact Report

Jefferson and La Cienega Project


LEAD AGENCY: City of Los Angeles
CASE No: ENV-2014-4755-EIR
SCH No. 2015031047



3321, 3351 S. La Cienega Boulevard; 5707, 5717, 5727, 5733, 5735 W. Jefferson Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90016

Prepared by:

Project Description

The Project consists of the demolition of an existing office building, accessory structures, and four light industrial structures (approximately 63,313 square feet), two existing radio tower structures, and the development of an approximately 1,900,000-square-foot transit-oriented, mixed-use development. The Project includes approximately 1,218 multi-family residential units (1,600,000 square feet of residential floor area) and 300,000 square feet of commercial floor area on the lower ground floors, and a total FAR of 3.9:1. The commercial space would include 200,000 square feet of office space, 50,000 square feet of grocery store, 20,000 square feet of restaurant space, and 30,000 square feet of general retail. The height would be 320 feet for the tower portion of the Project (480,000 square feet), and 110 feet for the podium buildings. Parking would be provided within a combination of above ground and subterranean levels and would comply with LAMC requirements.

The Final Environmental Impact Report is available for review at the following locations:

City of Los Angeles
Department of City Planning
200 North Spring Street, Room 750
Los Angeles, CA  90012

Los Angeles Central Library
630 W. 5th Street
Los Angeles, CA  90071

Baldwin Hills Branch Library
2906 S. La Brea Avenue
Los Angeles, CA  90016

Jefferson-Vassie D. Wright Memorial Branch Library
2211 W. Jefferson Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA  90018

Memorial Branch Library
4625 W. Olympic Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA  90019

Washington Irving Branch Library
4117 W. Washington Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA  90018


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For Final EIR


CAJA Environmental Services, LLC
11990 West San Vicente Boulevard, Suite 200
Los Angeles, California 90049
Phone: (310) 469-6700; Fax (310) 806-9801